21 JANUARY 1860, Page 2


The Pays contains an account of visit paid by the Emperor of the French last week to the establishment of M. Froment, for the purpose of witnessing several now experiments in electricity, and particularly of observing the working of the Pantelegraph of the Abbe Caselli, of Flo- rence, which reproduces with the most complete accuracy, as exactly as can be done by a photograph, every species of writing ordrawing. His Ma- jesty watched with the greatest interest the reproduction of the fac- similes of the despatches, effected in his presence, on two machines se- parated by a resistance equivalent to 200 kilometres of telegraphic lines, and heard the explanations which the inventor gave of the theory of his apparatus. Amongst the despatches was one on which there was seen fitithfully produced the imperial eagle, encircled by the following words : —"May God bless the Emperor; may God preserve him for the glory of France, for the liberation of Italy, and for the happiness of the world."

Napoleon the Third accepted from M. Caselli the despatch and drawing thus reproluced, as well as the originals, expressing to that gentleman his great admiration of an invention which appeared destined completely to renew, wish immense advantages, the discovery of the telegraph itself.

It is worthy of mention that M. Caselli had already made, three years ago, at Florence, experiments with his machinery, to which allusions have been made in the public journals ; but he has introduced so many ameliorations into his invention, with a view of making it completely practical, that the machines just constructed by M. Froment, in com- pliance with his directions, are quite capable of being put in operation on the telegraphic lines already in existence.