Sir John Pakington made an excellent speech in Worcestershire on
Tuesday in favour of the" conscience clause," as it is called, by which the children of Dissenters are exempted from learning the Church Catechism in Church schools in districts where they could reach no schools of their own persuasion. Lord Lyttelton, Lord Redesdale, and others opposed it bitterly, on the ground that Church masters could not teach the true meaning of Scripture withoui inculcating the Church Cat conical, said we are sorry to say this view of the matter carried the day by forty-nine to six- teen. Mr. Maurice ai Dies in another cabin= that the faith of the Church ought to be so deep in the universality of the redemption she proclaims, that awn if not allowed to teach the story of that redemption to the children of Dissenters she should still, contemplating them also as included in that re- demption, deem them worthy of any service and any sacrifice that will render them more worthy of it. We confess we find it diffi- cult to understand Lord Lyttelton's conscientious objection to teaching Dissenters' children much, because they object to being taught mare.