21 JANUARY 1882, Page 16



SIR,—The Spectator delights in cat stories. May I add one to the interesting list which has from time to time appeared in your columns P Picture to yourself a little girl, about two years of age, sitting on a low stool before a drawing-room fire. Coiled up on the rug is a favourite domestic cat. The child is in a fretful mood, and has been crying for some time. The cat endures the annoyance for some time, though evidently dis- pleased. But even feline patience has its limits. So pussy uncoiled herself, walked up to the child, and gave her a box on the ear with her closed paw, and then lay down again before the fire. The child, taken completely aback, cried louder than ever. Again pussy tried to endure it. Again her patience be- came exhausted, and she delivered a second box upon the ear, which nearly knocked the child off her stool. It was now the little girl's turn to be enraged. She rushed at the cat, and dragged it round the room by the tail. The story rests on the authority of the child's mother, who was witness of the scene.—