New EDMON5. — .21femoir of Henry Venn, B.D., by William Knight, M.A.
(Seeleys), appears in a new edition. It has been revised, com- pressed in some parts, and enlarged in others. A striking portrait is prefixed, and the appendix now contains Mr. Venn's suggestions to the Ritual Commission, of which he was a member.---A Sketch of the Public Career of Lord Beaconsfield, by F. A. llyndman. (W. H. Allen and Co.)—Dreamthorp : a Book of Essays written in the Country, by Alexander Smith (W. R. Mitchell and Co., Edinburgh).—A History of English Literature for Junior Classes, by Frederick A. Laing. (C. Collins, Sons, and Co.)—Dr. A. B. Grosart writes a Memorial Introduction to a reprint of Meditations and Disquisitions upon Certain Psalms, by Sir R. Baker, Knight (C. Higham.)—Sir R. Baker, who is well known to students of history for his Chronicle of the Kings of England, died in 1644. We have also a reprint, in exact fac-simile, of Sir Thomas Linacre's Translation of " Oaten de Tempera- mends," with an Introduction by F. I. Payne, M.D. (Macmillan and Bowes, Cambridge.)