21 JANUARY 1888, Page 2

The situation at Suakim has attracted attention this week, but

does not appear to be at all serious. Osman Digna, with a few Soudanese, has been threatening the port for some time, and on January 17th a force of friendly Arabs, some deserters from Osman's camp, some freed slaves, and a regiment of Egyptian cavalry moved out to attack him. They were completely successful. Osman Digna fled at the beginning of the engagement, the camp was carried, and the Soudanese dispersed in all directions. Ever since, deserters have been coming in in tens and twenties. Unfortunately, Colonel Kitchener, Governor-General in Oat region, was seriously wounded in the jaw ; but it sciems clear that the force threatening Snakim is of little importance. It must be a scratch force picked up by Osman Digna anywhere. Dervishes do not fly like that, nor do they desert, nor are they beaten by half-trained men got together almost by accident. Snakim is in no danger, though it would be both more secure and more comfortable for a small garrison, either of Marines or of picked black troops from Egypt.