21 JANUARY 1888, Page 3

The Convocation of the University of London on Tuesday condemned,

after a very good debate,—in which, however, one speaker attempted a style of oratory very unsuitable to a Uni- versity,—the petition of University College and King's College, London for a charter constituting a new Albert University, to teach and grant degrees only to such students as they have themselves taught. The great majority of the House felt strongly that every University should be in close connection, indeed, with teaching bodies, but should include a large infusion of independent elements not identified with these teaching bodies, and they expressed their conviction. that the new pro- posals of the University would give quite influence enough to the teachers of the great London Colleges, while the latter were asking for more influence than they ought to have. They might organise the higher teaching of the Metropolis without being empowered to grant degrees ; but the degree-granting Corpora- tion ought to be created out of the existing University of London. The debate was an excellent one.