21 JANUARY 1893, Page 14


Sins—There is an important aspect of the Irish Question 'which does not seem to have attracted as much attention as it deserves. Supposing Home-rule to be an accomplished fact, what will be the attitude towards England then of those in Ireland who are contending for the Union now? It must not be forgotten that while the opposition between Unionists and Non-Unionists in Ireland is stronger than most people in England have any notion of, all parties in Ireland are, in the wider sense of the word, very strongly national. Perhaps the following extract from a letter from an Irish Unionist may have some interest for your readers.—I am, Sir, &c.,


"The English seem to imagine that Unionists in this country. will always be Unionists and friends of England. They are mistaken. If we are cut off from England by the act of England, we shall concentrate our whole attention on making the best fight for ourselves here, and whatever internal differences there may be, the external policy will be united, and it will be to get rid of all tribute in men or money to any external power, and keep our men and money for ourselves. It is absurd to think that we should feel bound to pay interest on a National Debt incurred for English purposes, or to- enlist troops to defend England. The English have an idea that the Irish cannot do without England. But any country that can raise food enough for itself can do without another, and if the rest of the world be open to us, we could survive the incon- venience of even hostile legislation from England. But the truth is, that England would lose more than Ireland by such a policy. I am a Unionist because of the higher advantages that flow from the Union, which I take to outweigh certain disadvantages. But if the advantages be taken away, and the disadvantages left, I shall bother my head no more about the Union."