Madame de Stall. By Albert Sorel. (T. Fisher Unwin.)—M. Sorel
is wholly free from the lues biographica. He criticises the character of his subj ect with the most complete impartiality, points out its defects with a penetrating acumen, and praises its virtues without enthusiasm. In Madame de Stall's memorable quarrelwith Buonaparte, he is disposed to take the Emperor's side. The lady hoped, so he hints, to captivate the conqueror ; such, we suppose, to be the meaning of the significant quotation about Cleo- patra and Camas. But the first meeting resulted in a repulsion which was before long to end in hatred. A woman who arrogated so much to herself was not of the kind to please Buonaparte ; he preferred something more feminine. He, on his side, terrified her. But it may be well believed that she estimated him rightly. He was a man after the manner of the mediieval tyrants of Italy, only immeasurably greater. No doubt his absolute unscrupu- lousness helped to make him so great. Of all Madame de Stall's works, M. Sorel seems to prefer her estimate of Russia and Ger- many. This is a highly interesting volume, though its allusive style sometimes makes it difficult.