21 JANUARY 1966, Page 8

Home Thoughts

Meditations on the effect of the Chancellor's advice to us to take our holidays in England, following on his Budget.

Oh. to stay in England

Now that April's here.

And whoever drives in England Sees each morning everywhere Just a snake of motors that winding wend Their ways from London towards Land's End, And hoots and stalls and a bloody row In England—now.

And after April when May follows

And the whitewash daubs and the sucker swallows, Look to a minister who stays at home, No trip, no conference, never again a rover— Wilson and Stewart. proud no more to roam. That's a wise Premier—say it all twice over— And Barbara Castle. noting how they clapped her First time, repeats again the careless rapture. Take for your holiday an English boat— And when you land, please, don't forget to vote.