For some time past, the Government has had it in
contemplation to form a Police body in South Australia ; and the Commissioners of the Metropolitan force have been engaged in selecting strong and able- bodied men to proceed thither, for the purpose of accomplishing the object. Sergeant Ashton, an intelligent and active officer of the 0, and Inspector Stuart, of the R division, have been appointed as In- spectors to proceed to Adelaide, South Australia, with instructions to form a Police force in the colony; and on Wednesday they left the docks, in the ship Ragasthan, with between 200 and 300 emigrants. The officers are sent out at the expense of Government in a liberal manner. They have both large families, who accompany them. In- spector Stuart has been in the Army, and Sergeant Ashton has been in the Police force since its commencement. It is said that the for- mation of the Police force at South Australia is to be left entirely to the above .officers, who are to be the principals, such as the Superin- tendents in London, under Commissioners.—Posf.