The Garter worn by the late Duke of Leeds is
expected to be given to the Earl of Derby.
A Supplementary Gazette, published last night, contains a long list of persons whom the Queen has made Extra Knights Grand Cross, and Knights Companions, of the Bath. On the death of any of these Extra Knights, the vacancy is not to be filled up.
Sir Pulteney Malcolm died yesterday, at East Lodge, Enfield.
We have good authority for stating, that Sir John Keane has re- quested to to be recalled from his command at Bombay, his health being Indifferent.—Chronicle.
Captain Burnes has had a difficult game to play at Kabool, where he has been some time resident; but has at length succeeded com- pletely against the Russian emissary, who had gained a considerable ascendancy over the mind of Dost Mallomed by his exaggerated pro. mises of support. Mutters came to an issue, and the Russian Envoy was dismissed the city, and British influence again paramount.— Chronicle.
Sir George Villiers is expected shortly in this country. Lord Wil- liam Harvey would direct the affairs of the embassy at Madrid in his absence, and Mr. Southern was to act as Secretary of Legation.
We regret to hear that the Bishop of London has met with a severe accident.—Chronicle.
It is said that the Postage Committee, of which the indefatigable Mr. Wallace is Chairman, has passed resolutions recommending, in conformity with Mr. Rowland Hill's plan, a uniform rate of postage, payment in advance, stamped paper for letters; to begin with a uni- form rate of '2d. for half an ounce, and Id. for every other half ounce.