In the course of last Saturday, though too late for
insertion in our first edition, we received from the correspondent who supplied us with information respecting the Report of the Irish Railway Commission, and whose statement was nunlestly foul veraciously denied by the Mont- hly Chronicle, circumstantial eorrolsoration, that in every important regard that statement was correct. It in unnecessary, however, to give in detail the cirelimstances mentioned by Burr correspondent, as we find in the Northern Whig of 13elfast. received this morning, positive con- firmation of the main fact as stated in the Spectator of the 7th. The article in the Belfast paper is in all probattility by the proprietor, Mr. FIN!. AY. who was lately in London. (as appeared from a letter on Irish affairs addressed to the Spectator while be was in town,) and living in the midst of the parties interested in the subject.
" lerstr RAILWAY Co.. report of the Commissioners has been transmitted to London. We understand that it has been already printed, with its plans arid accompanying documents, and that it will be immediately distributed to !Reuthers of both Ilotpwn of Parliaolent. We shall, probably, be able to give SOUP notice ml this important doemnent mitt Thorsilay.—Dublin Ereuiny It is full time tliat this 1101:10111.111 01011111 l/e1111NILIEE11. It hat, to (nor own knoneloolgo .loct the thina woos admitted to deputations waiting upon the Chancellor of th, Erekequor—be,o: .flie some months in the hands ,f Gorceoraciat. Yet the Morning Chronicle wao4 instructed to say, on Friday last, and it did say, that t‘ it W:15 110t there (in Downing Street) yet." This was emphatically ofittrote. It leas there, and we knew it, long before. W,• shall not trouble onrselven to ginais at the cause of this strange shunting and deceiving, but content ourselVes With stiting the fact. 'f he cir- cumstanee lmas naturally excited a great deal of ptiblie sin peke and conjecture; and, when we consider that :1; ,74101. b ms 11(4.11 already spent upon the Commis• shin, some exphonation (olthe suspicions oh hry shontl be ;limn. But that, we suppose, would not he convenient.— Whig.: