21 JULY 1838, Page 11



The Ministerial declaration in the Rouse of Lords, on 'Tuesday, as to the satisfactory state of Canada, in conjunction with the gi eat plenty of money, has caused an improvement of 3 per cent. in the price of the Etiglish Funds. Cou- sols, which were on Tnesday as low an Ill33 for Money, have since been 94i. Three per Cent. Reduced and the Three.atulnollalf per Cents. have improved in the same proportion; and though the market has given way 6th per cent. to.day, Exchequer Bills have improved, and are at SI Inc mu. The reduction of the interest upan the East India Bonds, which, since the 30th ultimo, have borne an interest of 3 per cent, per annum only, has led to reduction in the premium of thene Sectiritien as compared with that upon Exehequer Bills; and instead of being front Ss mitts. altoto, it tlaw roares from 2s. to 4s below the current premium upon the Government Secorities. India and Bank Stock have both remained unchanged ; the fernier having continued between 265 and 266, and the latter between 205 and :.N36.

The settlement of the Judy Consul Account occurred on Tuesday. The transactions were not extensive ; but the demand for Stock was such, that the price for Money on that day and the quotation for the August Account were the same. The books of all those Stocks which closed previous to the Divi- dend, and which since the 6th instant have been open for private transfer, are now open. The contemplated journey of the King of the Belgian+, to England, in conjunetion with a similar movement on the part of the Austrian Ambas- sador at the Hague, has given rise to reports of an immeditte adjustment of the Dutch and Belgian question ; and a rise of 1 per cent. has consequently occurred in the price of Dutch Two-and-a-Miff per Cents. : these Bonds, which on Monday were 541 have since been 551; the price has since fallen back to 55, and the market is firm at that quotation. Belgian Bonds have not improved in the same proportion ; an the result of the settlement will be to int-lease the amount of the Belgian Debt in the exact proportion in which that. of Holland is diminished. Tim settlement of the Aecount in the New Belgian Scrip occurred on Wednesday; and an several speculative sales had been made in it, the Scrip warn) demand, and was done as high as 23 prem. N'ery few transactions have occurred in it since, as the contractors have bought up almost all that was at mark, t: the price may therefore be considered as merely nominal.

With the exception of the rise in Dutch Stock, the fluctuations in the Fa reign Market have been unimportant ; almost all the other Foreign Funds are within a little of our last week's prices. The fluctuation in the pricy of the Shares of the Great Western Railway has not been so great as usual, and has not exceeded :3/. per share ; the extreme prices beitig 10 and 13 prem. The market has been steady for the last two or three diqs, at 10 to 13 prem. A forced sale of Blighton, Wackwall, Croydon, and several of the minor descrip- tions of Shares, consequent upon the failure of a broker whose speculations in these undertakings were extensive, has caused a depressimi in all of them ; but as the market has since been cleared of the shares thus thrown upon it, an im- provetnent of 1/. to 2/. per share has since occurred ; and the majority of the Shares which were thus depressed have nearly reached the quotation!, at which they stood before the unfortunate occurrence in which the recent depression originated. Some inqttiry has been made after Greenwich and Croydon Shares ; and there seem% to be a disposition for investment in them : but it has not given rise to any improvement in price% and the market can only be consi- dered firm at present quotations,


We have no alteration or business of importance here this morning; all de- scriptions of Stock, both Foreign and English, being at yesterday's prices. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has advanced lit. ; and these securities are quoted to-day as high as 83.

3 per Cent.Connols NI 4

Brazilian 5 per Cents 79; 140; II lilt° for Account 94; 4 IMMO, 754

3 per Cent. Reduced

94; ; •

Dutch es per Cents

544 5;

N oo 3; per Cent. Anus

101; i Fortoviese 11,•geney 5 p. Cts. 36;

Nod; Stock

Di tto 3 per 244

India Stoek

2215;66 It ii,,iatt (1/122) 5 per Cent. 1124 1134

Ditto Bonds SO B;Itim.

81M131411 (1835) 5 per Cent... 224 4

Exchequer Bills SI Khan. Deferred Stock 84 94

llelgiau 5 pert:01de


Punitive Ditti 44 Se