21 JULY 1838, Page 16

Every thing is going on prosperously in Texas. Sheridan Knowles

has the honour of presenting an English play for the first time in the quondam Mexican territory. The Hunchback had been played and re- peated at Houston, the Texian capital, according to late letters, with great applause.

Crosses and orders, nominally the rewards of merit, are sold in Greece by the Minister—a Bavarian of course—to the amount of some 200,000 drachmas. The King defends him, on the plea of its being notorious that when he is drunk he will sign any thing that is set before him ! And so far from this being a fiction, it is not even a shade exaggerated.—Morning Chronicle.

An ominous fete took place the other day at Heidelberg, commemo- rative of the abolition of tithe in the dutchy of Baden. A cart-load of the first corn which had never paid tithe was drawn in triumph by oxen decorated with flowers, and accompanied by music and the shouts a a joyous multitude.