MEHEMET ALI has forwarded part of his tribute to the
Porte, and again made pacific assurances ; but it is supposed that he has only put off the day of' declaring his independence, the representa- tions of the Foreign Ministers having staggered him a little. A terrible fire broke out in Cairo on the evening of the 21st of June, and was not extinguished till the morning of the 25th. It originated in the Catholic Chapel, and consumed two streets. The soldiers employed to stop the progress of the conflagration plundered the premises; and the people looked upon the flames as a judgment of heaven upon the wicked Christians, who were the chief owners of the property destroyed. MEHEMET ALI sent IlussEtN By to Cairo with discretionary powers to punish the men who had committed excesses. It is said that the most va- luable articles of merchandise were saved.