be Catintrti.
A meeting of the members of the West Sorry Reform Association was held at Guildford on Saturday, at which arrangements were made for carrying on the ensuing registration war with vigour. Mr. Deni. son's Parliamentary conduct during the now expiring session has been well calculated to inspire the constituency with zeal and energy in his behalf; and, in despite of Ministerial Toryism, the West Surry Re. formers feel themselves deeply interested in the security of his seat. His votes in favour of the Ballot, the immediate abolition of Slavery, arid for discontinuing to subsidize his amiable and pensioned Majesty of lisnover, have already erected a monument to his honour in the heart of' humanity more lusting than brass—From a Correspondent.
The signatures to the National Petition (for Universal Suffrage, Ste.) handed in at the meeting of Council on Tuesday evening, swells the gross number to 40,000. This is for Birmingham alone.—Bir. mingharn Journal.
Mr. Feargus O'Connor is at present on an Ultra-Radical expedition throughout the Northern parts of England, and has on some occasions "gone over the border" with the same object. Ile was at Barhead on the 12th, and addressed an assemblage of 1,500 people at consider- able length.—Globe.
I IGreat preparations are at present making for the Radical dinner and meeting to take place in Leeds on the 30th of this mouth. Invitations have teen sent to numbers of the most eminent Radical speakers to attend; and should the neighbouring towns arid villages couperate in the manlier expected, the meeting cannot fail to exceed in number and interest any that has yet taken place in this town. The walls are
already placarded with the bills announcing the meeting, and several bands of music have voluntarily proffered their services on the OCC4- g011.—Leeds Times.
Captain Matthew dined with a party of Shaftesbury Tories on Monday.
Lord Dundas will be appointed Lord-Lieutenant of the North Riding of Yorkshire, vacant by the death of the Duke of Leeds.— Morning Chronicle.
The reason assigned by the Spectator for the elevation of Mr. ihnisuliby to the Peerage, is not the only service by which Baron De
Mauley has earned his title. This gentleman has been a 'ascii(' tool for the Whigs_, by his efforts in making the borough of Poole a snug rotten borough. Let any one for a moment consider the vast number of small farms formed out of* one large one which the new-made Baron has manufactured, and also the numerous 10/. houses in the parish of Longlieet, which have been and are beirig erected, together with vari- ous etceteras, and then the surprise will not be great why Mr. Pon
annby has been created a baron. The constitutional electors of Poole still remember that gentleman's inflmence at the late election ; when, by Isis instrumentality, his son and Mr. Phillips (the rejected of Kidder- minster) were thrust upon them. Who shall say that Mr. Ponsunby Was not deserving of a Peerage at Whig hands 7—Salisbury Herald.
The parishioners of St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton, !neve postponed the question of a church. rate for a twelvemonth by a majority of 73; the numbers being for the rate 287, against 360. The late learned Dr. Burgess, Bishop of Salisbury, left us a legacy to St. David's College his whole library, consisting of the most valuable works in theological, classical, and general literature.