The Reverend Mr. Gathereole was !bumf guilty last week, *it
York Assizes, of a libel on the mete of &await), published in a periodical parraer called Thc C'hurehman, edited lay Gathercole. The libel con- sisted in imputing to the nuns at Scorton the same practices thet the infamous Maria Monk pretended to have witnessed in the Canada nun- neries. The defendant is to be brought up for judgment at Michael- mas torm. There was another charge ageilist the same person for a libel on the nuns of Darliegton, but it was not pressed.
Au action was tried at York, on Wednesday, before Justice Wil- liams, to test the validity of the will of the late Mr. Blackburne. the Chief Corporation Commissioner, by whieh his property was left from his own reletions, to Mr. Joshua Evans of' Hampstead, and Mrs. Rennie, to whom he was engaged to be married. It was alleged that Mr. Illackburne's intellect was impaired when he made the will ; but the evidence of Mr. Joseph Parkes road other witnesses completely dis- proved this allegation ; and the Jury found a verdict for the de- fendants.
At the Winchester Assizes, on Tuesday, Mrs. Padmore, a widow lady, obtained a verdict with 501. damages merriest a Reverend Mr. Lawrence, for slander. 'rime circumstances would have justified larger &owes. Mrs. Padmore gave lessons in doming to ladies in the neighbourhood of Lymington. 1mm :March last, she called at the house of the defendant, near :Milford. A few minutes after she left the house, Mr. Lawrence followed her, and in the presence of several per- sons said—" You have been at any house, Madam : Mrs. Lawrence Irid u brooch worth five pounds on the table in the parlour, where there was nobody else but my son and you ; the brooch is gone, therefore you must have taken it : I must search you." Mrs. Padrnore was willing to be search' ml; and she was takeo to an inn, where a woman, at sIr. Lawrence's desire, took off most of her dress, but did not find the brooch. Soon afterwards, the brooch was found ut a milliner's house, where Mrs. Lawrence had left it ; but the reverend gentleman refused to make any apology for the insult he bad offered to the
At the Hertford Assizes, on Saturday, Richard Curtis end John Brown were found guilty of manslaughter, having been seconds in the prize fight rut Melbourne Heath, inn which William Phelps, called " Brighton Bill," was killed. They were sentenced to three months' imprisonment, with hard labour.
Henry Stealer was sentenced to death, without hope of a commuta- tion of punishment, for is rape on an old womae, at Withainstead, in liertfordshire.
Some excise informations of an extraordinary character were brought
before the Manchester :Magistrates last week. It appears plainly enough, that Exeise.officers employ persons to go about to tempt un- wary householders to purchese illicit spirits: and that the Excisemen then pounce upon those whom their agents have thus tempted, and compel the :Magistrates, who have no discretion in the matter, to con- vict in heavy penalties.—Manchester Times.