From the parts beyond the seas the news is stirring,
though it may be expressed in a few words. France, indeed, exhibits no change ; her elections continuing furiously " Moderate." In Rome, the French Governor is disgracing the French name by edicts of the grossest tyranny : it is truly a barbarian trampling on the memories of a great state ; and France consents, at pre- sent, to be represented by very thickheaded barbarians. The Pope is falling into the most reactionary plans. Denmark and Prus- sia have agreed to an armistice of some months, in order to real negotiations for peace ; with a temporary division of the disputed territory. In Hungary, it appears that the combined forces of Russia and Austria continue to make head against the Magyars. In two of the British Colonies it looks as if serious troubles were brewing. The general arming in Canada causes alarm, and some anxiety is felt for the personal safety of Lord Elgin. At the Cape of Good Hope, the proposal to land convicts has led to threats of resistance, fears of an emeute, and actual preparations by the Governor to vindicate the Imperial authority I