Revile and Co. Great Suffolk Lane, twine-merchants-Matheson and Scott, Liverpool, merchants-Blinks and Harris, 3faidstone, butchers-Burstall and Son, St. Mar- tin's Lane, carpenters-Porter and Co. London, and Aspinwall and Co. Sydney- Higson and Greenwood, Bolton-le-Moors, postmasters-Schletler and Co. metal- merchants-Menem and Son, Norwich, tobacco-manufacturers-House and Clark, Barber's Yard, Spitaiflelds, silk-dyers-Westmoreland and Co. Thurgoland, Yorkshire, colliers ; as far as regards G. Traviss-Scott and Co. Sheffield, flour-dealers-Glasser and Reddish, Manchester, chemists-Matthew and Co. Cambridge, grocers-Coward and Chancellor, Princes Street, Lambeth, starch-manufacturers-Scott and Co. Friday Street, warehousemen-Clark and Seaman, Blackman Street, victuallers-J. S. and J. Finch, West Street, West Smithfield. carpenters-Morgan and Scannell, Chapel Street, Grosvenor Place, surgeons-F. and J. C. Forrest, Blackburn, power-loom-cloth-mann- facturers-Steele and Potter, Birkenhead, wine-merchants-Smith and Renshaw. Old- ham, stone-masons-Hudson and Fish, Liverpool, wine-merchants.
Lasmarr, Ensrams, Cannock, Staffordshire, innkeeper.
BISHOP, ROBERT, Vere Street, hotelkeeper, to surrender July 24, Aug. 28 : solicitor, Mr. Sanford, John Street, Adelphi ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.
Davis, JAMES, Stalhridge, chemist, July 25, Aug. 23 : solicitors, Messrs. Treherne and White, Barge Yard Chambers ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basingball Street.
GOODWIN, Tnostes, Pakenham, brewer, July 28, Sept. I : solicitors, Mr. Han, Bruns- wick Row; 31r. Brooke, Bury St. Edmund's ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers.
Gowneo, JAKE, WARDEN, East Dercham, stationer, July 24, Aug. 30: Boudtora, Mr. Stratton, Southampton Buildings ; Mr. Drake, East Derehaan ; official assignee, Mr. Canaan, Blrchin Lane. JOHNSON, JANES, Sheffield, razor-manufacturer, July 28, Sept. 1: solicitors, Mr. Tattershall, Great James's Street ; Mr. Broadbent, Shefileld ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Sheffield.
TATLELSON, ROBERT, Felling Shore, Durham, iron-manufacturer, July 23, Aug. 21 : solicitor, Mr. Berle, Southampton Buildings, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assig- nee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. VINES, GEORGE and HENRY, Bristol, brewers, July 31, Aug. 28 : solicitors, means. Burr and Grlbble, Lombard Street; Messrs. Whittington and Gribble, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol. WILLIAMs, WALTER BRIDGEWATER, Burr Street, East Smithfield. wine-merchant, July 26, Aug. 28: solicitor, Mr. Bird, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place.
Aug. 7, Hawkins, Bristol, mason-Aug. 7, Hawkins, Standish, cheese-dealer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Aug. 9, Walker, Abingdon, apothecary-Aug. 7, Scriven, Glastonbury, tallow! chandler.
To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or Wore August 7.
Sharp and Fluder, Romsey, timber-merchants-mac Upper North Place, Gray's Inn Road, tailor-Beasley, Bristol, mercer-Palmer, Rugeley, corn-merchant-Hughes and Eastwood, Manchester, fastlan-manufacturers-Townshend. Weliclose Square, cork-manufacturer-Pugh, Monmouth, taller-Burt, Hyde, bookseller-Wise, Conduit Street South, plumber-Biguell, Codlcote, Welwyn, tailor-Jepson, New malton, keeper—Hall, Liverpool, corn-factor—Burt, Bristol, boot-manufaetarer—Fon and CO. TillieWigton, Durham, lime-burners—Pierce, Charley. corn-dealer. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.
Stewart, Liverpool, chip-broker; third div. of 3s. any Thursday ; Mr. Turner, Liver- pool—Cochran, Lima, and Robertson, London, merchants ; third dlv. of Id. ; Mr. Turner, Liverpool. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION. Godwin, Perth, coachman, July 23, Aug. 13.
• Harris and Pierce, Birmingham, chemists—Edwards and Nevins, Strand, house-de- corators—Gibbins and Brown, Old Cavendish Street, auctioneers—Marshall and Elves, Regent Street, land-agents—Kulp and Co. Newgate Street, Berlin wool-warehousemen ; as far as regards S. Mendelson—Roberts and Tinker, New Mill, Huddersfield, woollen- cloth-manufacturers—Jones and Herbert, Chester, mail-coach contractors—Thompson and Foulkes, Birkenhead, chemists—Green and Spence, Liverpool, cigarmanufacturers —A. and W. Cotten, Almondbury, farmers—Butler and Co. London, and Butler, Ne- phew, and Co. Oporto, merchants—Almond and Danbury, Coton, Staffordshire, railway- contractors—Lilley and Wilson, Leeds, brass-founders—Tyler and Reed, Bolt Court, printers—Wood and Co. Wolverhampton, tobacconists—Kilvert and Llellaby, Manches- ter, manufacturers of glass-paper—Taylor and Cock, Burton, Westmoreland. fiax-spia- ners—Measatn and Co. Manifold Place, Lower Kennington Lane, soap-manufacturers —Blelkie and Smith, Aberdeen, advocates.
BENNETT, GEORGE FREDERICK, Quadrant, goldsmith, to surrender July 27, Aug. 31 : Solicitor, Mr. Sadgrove, Mark Lane; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basingball Street. CLEMENTsoN, JOSEPH, Whitehaven, tobacconist, Aug. 3, 30 : solicitors, Mr. Willis, Bneklersbury ; Messrs. T. and W. Chater, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; Messrs. Atkinson and Son, Whitehaven ; official assignee, Mr. Walley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
FAHEY, WILLIAM THOMAS, West Smithfield, victualler, July 28, Sept. 1 : solicitor, Mr. Smith, Barnard's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers.
GATBALL, GEORGE, Chichester, carrier, July 31, Aug. 28 : solicitors, Messrs. Stant- nald and Long, Bouverie Street ; Mr. Sherwood, Chichester ; official assignee, Mr. Ed- wards, Frederick's Place.
HoasoN, CAMPBELL WRIGHT, Raymond Buildings, scrivener, Aug. 1, Sept. 4 : so- licitors, Messrs. Sawyer and Brettell, Staple Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place.
Jones, Joule, Llanddalas, Denbighshire. quarryman, Aug. 1, 30 : solicitors, Messrs. Bridger and Collins, London ; Messrs. Francis and Almond, Liverpool ; official assig- nee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.
KEEN, FUMES, Warwick, innkeeper, July 28, Aug. 30: solicitor, Mr. Forder, Leamington ; official assignee, 31r. Valpy, Birmingham.
LAMBERT, CHARLES HENRY, Hull, druggist, Aug. 8, 22: solicitors, Messrs. Hawkins and Co. New Boswell Court ; Messrs. Lovett and Co. Hull; official assignee, Mr. CArrick, Hull.
MORGAN, Jong, Copthall Court, stock-broker, July 26, Sept. 1 : solicitor, Mr. Pike, Bedford Row ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers. PETTtTT, GEORGE BROOKS, Upper St. Martin's Lane, ironmonger, July 28, Sept. 1 : solicitor, Mr. Wilkin, lurnival's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers. FAiTcliARD, MARTIN LUTHER, and DALE, ROBERT NORRIS, Liverpool, stock-brokers, July 27, Aug. 24 ; solicitors, Messrs. Scott and Tahourdin, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official flaaignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.
WARDEN, SAMUEL, Birmingham, hosier, July 31, Aug. 21 : solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co. New Inn ; Mr. Bartlett, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Bir- mingham.
WOOD, WILLIAM, Milton-next-Sittingbourne, grocer, July 27, Aug. 31: solicitor, Mr. Sadgrove, Mark Lane; official assignee, Mr. Cannan, Birchin Lane.
WOODRUFFE, EDMUND, Old Broad Street, ship-broker, July 30, Sept. 1 : solicitor, Mr. Llewellln, Noble street ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers. DIVIDENDS.
Aug. 10, Sharp and Fluder, Romsey, Umber-merchants—Aug. 10, Terry, Haymarket, Watch-manufacturer—Aug. 13, Whitmore jun. Walharn Green, brewer—Aug. 13, May, Little Britain, baker—Aug. 21, Sanger, Bristol, cabinet-maker—Aug. 16, J. J. and IL Sim, Coekermouth, woollen-manufacturers—Aug. S, Southern, Liverpool, builder—Aug. 14, Meek, Liverpool, merchant —Aug. 17, Cartwright, Nantwich, chemist.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Aug. 10, Woodgate, Greenwich, electro-plate.manufacturer—Aug. 11, Savage, East- dean. Sussex. grocer—Aug. 10, Coachman, Farringdon Street, draper—Aug. 11, Ridge, Grosvenor Row, Pimlico, corn-dealer—Aug. 13, JenkInson and Rollinson, Argyll Street, King's Cross, cow-keepers—Aug. 16, Rippon, Stanhope, lime-burner—Aug. 9, Miller, Eamont Bridge, Cumberland, banker—Aug. 10, Thomas, Aberdare, Glamorgan- shire, grocer—Aug. 10, Dodd, Manchester, fustian-manufacturer—Aug. 13, Maddox, Liverpool, tabor—Aug. 10, Holden, Liverpool, money-scrivener—Aug. 10, Heron, Bir- kenhead, stone-mason—Aug. 9, Peacock, Liverpool, corn-merchant—Aug. 14, Cart- wright, Nantwich, chemist—Aug. 11, East, Birmingham, scrivener. 2b be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Aug. 10. Rockland, Grosvenor Street, laceman—Reynolds, Wellington Street, publisher — WDonnell, Trinity Square, wine-broker—Smith junior, Stockton, manufacturer of earthenware—Crossfleld, Warton, linen-merchant—Snook, Ledbury Road, Paddington,
Lackersteen, Moorgate Street, merchant ; sec. div. of lop. (separate estate), July 23, or two subsequent Mondays ; Air. Carman, Birchin Lane—Breeds and Barfield sen. FermIng's Wharf, ship-agents ; sec. div. of 21d and a first div. of 61d. on the separate estate of T. J. Breeds, July 23; Mr. Carman, Birchin Lane—Bourquin, Northampton Square, watch-manufacturer ; third div. of lid. July 22, or two subsequent Mondays ; Mr. Carman, Btrchln Laue—Aspain, Elizabeth Street, Pimlico, messenger ; first div. of 8.s. July 2,5, and two following Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers—Ross, Rate= Cross Wharf, wine-merchant ; first div. of 71d. July 2.5, and two following Wed- nesdays; Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers—Gamble, Whitecross Street, victualler ; Brat div. of 2s. July 25, and two following Wednesdays Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers—Cooper and Co. Aldermanbury, straw-hat-manufacturer; first div. of 103. July 25, and two following Wednesdays; Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers—Meyer and Brownsmith, Bedford Street, fringe-manufacturers ; further div. of 4.s. 2d. July 25, and two following Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers —Bayly, Folke- stone, cheesemonger; first div. of 3s. 2d. July 25, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Tarquand, Guildhall Chambers—Barrotte, North Walsham, innkeeper ; first div. Of '23. 24. July 25, and two following Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers —Hewlett, Abbot Ann, Southampton, carpenter ; first div. of 3s. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane—Summers, Sackvllle Street, ; first My. of Is. 8d. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane—Hutchens, Portsea. timber-merchant ; first div. of 2s. 6d. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane— Newark and Laic, Berry Edge, Durham, grocers ; first div. of is. 6d. July 21, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne—Barras, Newcastle.upon- Tyne, wine-merchant ; first div. of 3.1. July 21, or any subsequent Saturday ; Dlr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne—M. and W. H. Cooke, Denton, Lancashire, hat-manu- facturers; first div. of 3s. 94. on the separate estate of M. Cooke, July 31, or any sub- sequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester—Edwards, Ailington, Dorsetshire, sack- twine-manufacturer; first div. of 75. on new proofs, any Tuesday or Friday ; Mr. Her- names, Exeter—Lucas, Cardiff, shopkeeper ; second div. of Is. together with the first div. of 7s. upon new proofs, any Wednesday ; Mr. Miller, Bristol—Fisher and Brown, Newark-upon-Trent, builders ; first and final div. of 3s. 10d. on the separate estate of S. Fisher, July 2i, Aug. 4, Oct. 13, and any subsequent alternate Saturday to Dec. 22 ; Mr. Bittleston, Nottingham—Moseley and Murphy, Derby, carvers ; first div. of 4s., a first dive of 4$. on the separate estate of H. Moseley, and a first div. of lOs on the sepa- rate estate of J. B. Murphy, July 21, Aug. 4, Oct. 13, and any subsequent alternate Saturday to Dec. 22 ; Mr. Bittleston, Nottingham—Scruby, Roxton, Bedfordshire, farmer ; first dlv. of 2s. any Saturday ; 31r. Green, Guildhall Chambers—J. and G. Goble, Kentish Buil:Lugs, Southwark, hop-factors ; first div. of Is. Id. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers—Manson, Lloyd's Coffeehouse, underwriter ; first div. of 8d. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers—Williams, Park Place, Ken- nington Cross, ironmonger ; first div. Of Is. 3d. any Saturday ; Eft: Green, Guildhall Chambers—Lancaster, Regent Street, jeweller ; first div. of 3s. any Saturday ; 31r. Green, Guildhall Chamber-is—Mat:110pp, Bury, Sussex, market-gardener ; third div. of 10. any Saturday ; Mr. -Green, Guildhall Chambers—Haig, Smith Street, Stepney; engineer ; Out div. of 68. 6d. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers—Lauder, Slbane Street, surgeon ; final div. of 3d. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers —33ourjet and Espevene, Coleman Street ihilldings, merchants ; first div. of 2s. 3d, any /34411rday; Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers.
Callas, Edinburgh, wine-merchant, July 20, Aug. 15—Dunlop, Airdrie, carter, July 25, Ade. 15--Conirle, Paisley, logwood-chIpper, July 27, Aug. 17—Brown, Edinburgh, grater; dilly 24; Aug. 14—Glen, Dalgarvea, timber-m.91MM, July 26, Aug. 18—Wad- delt0'Bunilivatt,' July 26, Aug. 16—Miller; erinsettiek weed-m6rdbabt,-Jaly 24, Aug. 2.