JULY 19.
House divided.; Ayes 182, Noes 289. [General Peel objecting to Mr. Roe- Wick's motion, interposes the question whether it shall be put to the vote at all, and the majority answers." No.") tion proposed, " That that Question be now put"—(Genefil Peel). The our Army during the Winter Campaign in the Crimea, and coinciding with the Resolution of their Committee, that the conduct of the Administration Was the first and chief cause of the calamities which befel that Army, do hereby visit with severe reprehension every member of that Cabinet whose counsels led to 'such disastrous reaults,"—(Mr. Reebucic)—Previous Ques-
Question proposed, "That this House, deeply lamenting the sufferings of
Adderley, Charles Davies,•John Lloyd Knatchbull, W. F. • Robertson,PatrickF. Alexander, John Dillwyn; Lewis L. Knight, F. W. Roebuck, John A.
Arbuthnott, General Disraeli, Benjamin Knox, Colonel Bolt, Peter Archdall, Capt. M. Drax, J. S. W. S. E. Knox, Hon. W. S. Itushout, George Arkwright, G. Duffy, Charles GavanLangton, W. G. Scholefield, William
Barge, William taincombe, lion. A. Layard, A. H. Scobell. Captain Bailey, Crawshay Duncombe, Hon. W,Lennox, Lord H. G.Scott, Ben. Francis Bailie, Henry J. Dunne, Colonel Leslie, C. P. Smijth, Sir William
]laird, James Elmley, Viscount Lindsay, W. S. Smith, John Benj.
1411, Edward Evelyn, Wm. John Lockhart, Wm. Smith, Wm. Masters
Baldock, Edward 11.Fernham, Edward B.Lowther, Bon. Col. Smith, Abel Barrow, William II.Fellowes, Edward Macartney, George Spooner, Richard rateson, Thomas Fergusson, Sir Jas. Macgregor, James Stafford, Augustus Bettie°, Earl of Filmer, Sir Edmund Maguire, J. F. Stanhope, James B.
Bell, James Fitzgerald, W. RS. Menne, Richard Starkie.LeGendreN.
Bellew, Thomas A. Follett, Brent S. Manners, Lord John Stracey, Henry J. Bernina', Lord H. Forester, Colonel Maxwell, Hon. J. P.Stuart, William Bentinck, 0. W. P. Franklyn, George W.Meagher, Thomas Sturt, Henry G.
Beresford, William Fuller. A. Eliott Meux, Sir Henry Sullivan, Michael Bignold, Sir Samuel Gasket, James M. Mien, Edward Swift, Richard Boldero, Colonel Gladstone, William Miles, William Thesiger, Sir Fred. Booker, Thomas W.Goderich, Viscount Michell, Wm. Towline, George Brady, John Gooch, Sir E. S. Montgomery, H. L. Tudway, Robert C. Brainley-Moore, Js. Gordon, Hon. A. Mowatt, Francis Tyler, Sir George Mowbray, J. R. Tyrell, Sir John T. Bright, John Graham, Sir James Mullings, J. It. Vance, John Brown. Humphery Graham, Lord M. Mundy, William Vansittart, G. H. Buck, Lewis W. °renal, Gilbert Munn, G. F. Verner, Sir William Buck. Geo. Stutkley Greene, John illurrough, J. P. Vernon, Leicester V. Burrell, Sir Cherie's Grogan, Edward Naas, Lord Vivian, John Ennis
Burroughes, Hy. N. Guinness, R. S. Bead, John Vyse, Colonel
Binrowes, Robert Gwyn, Rowel Neeld, Joseph Waddington, David .Butt, ,Geo. Medd Hadfield, George
Cabbell, Benj.liond Halford, sit, Henry Newdegate, C. N. Waddington, H. S. •
Newport, Viscount Walcott. Admiral . Cairns. Hugh M. Hall, General Noel, Hon. G. J. Walpole, Spencer H.
' Cardwell, Edward Hamilton, Lord C. North, Colonel Welby, Sir Glytine
Carnac, Sir J. It. Hamilton. Geo. A. Oakes, J. H. P. Whiteside, James Cayle , Edward S. Banbury, C. 8. B. Cham ere, Montagu Henley, J. W. Otway, A. J. Whitmore, Henry Chandos, Marquis ofHerbert, Rt. En. S. Pakenham, T. H, Williams, William CGild, Smith Herbert, Sir Thos. Pekin ton, Sir J. Wise, Ayshford Cobden, Richard Hildyard, R, C. Palk,Lawrence Wyndham, General Codrington, Sir W. Hill, Lord A. E. Palmer, Robert Wynn, Lieut.-Col. Cole, Hon. Hen. A. Jones, Admiral Parker, Robert T.
Coles. Henry B. Jones, David Peacocke, G. M. W. TELLERS. Canolly, Thomas Kelly, Sir Fitzroy Percy, Hon. J. W. Sir William Jolliffe Corry, Rt. Hon. H. Kendall, Nicholas Ricardo, John L. Colonel Taylor
Crook, Joseph Kennedy, Tristram
• MAJORITY AGAINST PUTTING MR. ROEBUCK'S MOTION. Acland, Sir T. D. Baring, Rt.lin.Sir F.Eiddulph, Robt. M.Bruce, Lord Ernest
Acton, Joseph Baring, Hon. Francisliggs, William Buckley, General
Alcoa., Thomas Barnes, Thomas Bland, Loftus H. Burke. Sir T. J. Anderson, Sir JamesBarrington, ViscouniBonhara-Carter. J. Butt, Isaac Annesley, Earl of Bass, Michael Thos.Boiirerie,lit. lin. E.Syng, Hn. G. H. O.
Antrobue, Edmund Beaumont, W. B. Bowyer, George Campbell, Sir A. I. Bagsbaw, John Beckett, William Brazos:on, T. W. Castlerosse, Viset. Baines, lit. lin. M.T.Berkeley, Admiral Brand, Hon. Henry Caulfield, Col. J.M. Ball, John Berkeley, Mn. H. F. Brocklehurst, John Cavendish, Hon. 0. Biting, Henry B. Bethel, Sir Richard Brotherton, Joseph Cavendish, Hon. G.
Cecil, Lord Robert Gower, Hon. F. L. Manners, Lord G. Russell, F. C. H. Chambers. Thomas Grace. 0, D. J. alajoribanks,B ofisiall, F. W. Chaplin, Win. JamesGranby, Marquis of Martin, John f, iMadiet, James Cheethani, John Gregson, Samuel Massey, W. N. Sa'dleir, John Chelsea, Viscount Grenfell, C. W. Masterman, John Sawle, C. B. G.
Clay, Sir William . Greville, Col. F. Matheson, AlexanderSerope, G. P. Clinton, Lord RobertGrey, Rt. Hn. Sir G. Matheson, Sir Jamesteully; Francis
Cobbett, Jobn M. Grey, R. W. Milligan, Robert Scully, Vincent
Cockburn, Sir A. J.Grosvenor, Lord R. Mills, Thomas Seymour, Lord Cocks, Thomas 6. Gurney, J. H. Milner, Sir W. M. E Seymour,. H B,
Coffin, Walter Hale, R. B. Milnes, B. M. Seymour, W. D..
Cogan, W. H. F. Hall, Sir Benj. Milton, Viscount Shafto, R. D.
Coote, Sir C. H. Hankey, Thomson Mitchell, T. A. Shee, William Cowan, Charles Helmer, Sir John Moffatt, George Shelley, Sir J, V.
Cowper, Hon. W. F.Harcourt, G. G. Moleswortb, Sir W. Sheridan, R. B. Craufurd, E. H. J. Hastie, Alexander Monck, Viscount Smith, J. A. Crossley, Frank Hastie, Archibald Moneneff, James ' Smith, M. T. .• Dashwood. Sir G. II „Headlam, Thomas E. hi onsen, William Smith,
Deedes, William Heathcote, Sir G. I.Moody. C. A. Smyth,-.T. G. ' Denison, Edmund Heathcote, Sir W. Morgan, Ootavius Somerville; Bering. Sir Edward Heneage, G. H. W.Morns, David liotherom T. 8. H. De Vere, Stephen E.Herbert, Henry A. Mulgmve,Barl of Stafford, Marquis of
Divett, Edward Hervey, Lord Alfred Newark,' ificotint •Sfanley, Ha. W: 0.
Drumlanrig, Viset. Heywood, James Norreys, Sir J. Steil John _ Duckworth, Sir J. Heyworth, LawrenceNortb, Frederick Stephenson, Robert. Duke, Sir James Biggins, G. G. 0. Northcote, Sir S. H.Stirling;
Duncan, Viscount Hogg, Sir J. W. O'Brien, Patrick -Strickland, Sir G.
Duncan, George Holford, H. S. O'Brien, Sir TimetbyStrutt, Rt. Ho. E. Dundee, George Holland, Edward O'Connell, Daniel- Sir M. It. S. Dundee, Frederick Borstal, T. B. O'Flaherty, Anthoy Sutton, J. H. Dungarvan, ViseountHorsinan, Rt. Ha. E.Oliviira, Benjamin, Tapered, Henry W. East, Sir J. B. Howard, C. W. C. Osborne, Ralph Thompson, George
Ebrington, ViscountHoward, Lord E. Ossulston. Lord • Thornely, Thomas : Egerton, Wm. Tatt Hughes, W. B. Paget, Lord Alfred Thornhill, W. P. Egerton, Edw. C. Hutt, William Palmer, Roundel Tite, William Bt:'Ron. E: Ingham, Robert Palmerston, Viact. Tolleinache,-John Elliot, Hon. J. E. Jackson, William Paxton, Sir Joseph Townsherid,.Capt.:1: Einlyn, Viscount Jermyn, Earl Pechell. Sir G. B. Traill, Geo e Esmonde, John, Johnstone, James Peel, Sir Robert Vane, Lord Swart, William Johnstone, Sir John Peel, Frederick Vernon, G.
Swart, J. C. Keating, Robert Peel, General Villiers RI. He. f. Fagan, William Kerrison, Sir E. C. Pellatt, Ansley Vivian, 11. -
Fenwick, Henry Kershaw, James Pennant, Mn. Col. Walsh, Sir John Si Fergus, John Kinnaird, Ho. A. F.Perry, Sir T. E. Walter, John Ferguson, Colonel Kirk, William Pliillipps, J. H. Waterpark, Lord
Ferguson, Sir R. Knightley, Rainald Phillimore; John Watkins, Colonel L4 Ferguson, Joseph Labouchere, Henry Philimore, R. I. Wells, William - Fitzgerald, Sir J. Langston, J. B. Pigott, Francis Whatman, James Fitzgerald, J. D.Langton, H. G. Pilkington, James Whitbread, Samuel Fitzroy, Rt. Hn.H.Lee, William . Ponsonby, A. G. J. Wickham, li Fitzwilliam,C.W.W.Legh, G. C. Price, Sir Robert Wilkinson, W. A.,-17,
Fitzwilliam, G. W. Lemon, Sir Charles Pritchard, John Wilcox, Brodiell•44 Forster, Charles Lewis, Sir G. C. Ramsden, Sir J. W. Williams, Michael
Forster, John Liddell,-13n. H. G. Reed, J. H. Willoughby, Sir'H.,- Fortescue, C. S. Lindsay, Mn. ColonelRepton, 0: W. J. Wilson, James _
Fox, W. J. Littleton, Hn. E. R.Ricardo, Osman Wood, Sir C:-
Freestun, Colonel Lockhart, A. E. Ricardo, Samson Wortley, Rt. Hn. Si Freshfield, J. W. Lowe, Robert . Rice, Edward Boyd Wrightson, W: B. Gallwey, Sir W. P. Luce, Thomas Rich, Henri Wyndham,' William Gardner, Richard Lushiugton, C. M. Richardson, J. J. Wyvill, Marmaduke Gladstone-, Capt. Maikinnon, W. A. Hohartes,-.T. J. A. vatiams.
Glyn, G. C. - Iii•Cann, James • - Rumhold.• C. E. chic. Baxter • Goodman, Sir G. Mangles, R. D. Bchsell, Lord John Berkeley, Q. - • Adair, Hugh E. Deasy, Rickard Heathcote, G. H. Napier, Rt. Hon
Adair, B. A. S. Denison, John E. lienchy, D. O'C. O'Brien, Cornell Atherton, William, Dent, John Dent Ramage, George.F. O'Brien, James, .11c4 Bailey, Sir Joseph- Devereux, John T. Herbert, Hon. P. E.O'Cronnell, John
Bankee, 8t. Hon. G.Dod, John W. Hindley, Charles Qwen,Sir John Baring, Thomas Drummond, Henry Hotham, Lord IPacke, Charles Baxter, William E. Duff. George Skene Hudson, George Paget, Lord George,.~ Beamish, Francis B.Duff, James Hume, W. F. Patten, Colonel - Bennet, Philip Buncombe, Themes Machine,' E.J. Pinney, William •-:" Berkeley, Sir G. Duncombe, Hon. 0. Irtoti; Samuel Pollard-Urquhart;%; Bernard, Viscount Dunlop, A. M. Keating, Henry S. Portal, Melville Blackburn, Peter Dunne, Michael Keogh, Rt. lion. W.Portman, Hu. WA:0 Blackett, John F. B.Du Pre, C. George Ker, David Stewart Power, Nicholas Blake, Martin J. Egerton, Sir Philip King, lin. P. J. L. Powlett, Lord W. Blandford; Marg. of Elcho, Lord King, James K. ' Price, William P ' Booth, Sir R. G. Ellice, Edward Kin,gemite, R. N. F. Pugh, David
Brockman, E. D. _Boston, Earl of Lacon, Sir Edmund Rothschild, Baron
Brown, William Beaus, Sir De Lacy Laffan, Robert M. Sanders, George
Bruce, C. L. C. Ferrer, James Laing, Samuel Seymour, Henry K. 5.
Bruce, Henry A. Feilden, Montague T.Laseelles„ Hon. E. Shelburne, Earl of
Bulkeley, Sir R. B. Fleyer, John Laslett, William Shirley. E. P. Buller, Sir J. Y. Foley, H. H. Lennox, Lord A. F. Sibthorp, Colonel 3 Sunbury, W. B. M. Forster, Sir George Lisburne, Earl of Smollett, Alexander
Burghley, Lord Fox, Richard M. Locke, Joseph . Somerset, Colonel
Butler, C. S. French, F. Long., Walter Stanley, Lord
Challis, Mr. Aid. Frewen, Charles H. Laverne; Lord Talbot, C. R. EL • Cholmondeley, LordGalway, Viscount Lowther, Captain Tempest, Lord A. V;
Christopher, R. A.George, John Lucas, Frederick Trollope, Sir John , Christy, Samuel Gibson, Rt. Mn. T. Lytton, Sir G. E. L. Tynte, Col. C. J. It:
Clifford, Henry M. Gilpin, Colonel Macaulay, Rt.Hn. T.I1xbridge, Earl of ' Clinton. Lord C. P. Goddard, A. L. Mackie, John - Villiers, Hon. F.
Clive, Robert • Gore, William 0. M'Gregor, John Vyvyan, Sir E. R.
Cobbokl, J. C. Ooulburn,Bt. Ha. ILM'Mahtio, Patrick Walmealey, Sir J. •
Collier,Robert P. Greaves, Edward M'Taggart, Sir J. Warner, Edward . Colvile, Charles R. Greene, Thomas Maddock, Sir H. Watson, William H.
Compton, Henry C. Grosvenor, Earl Megan, William H. West, Frederick R. Corbally, M. E. Guernsey, Lord Mandeville; ViscountWigram, Loftus T, Cotton, Hn. W. H. 8.1laddo, Lord March, Earl of Williams, Thomas P. Cubitt, Mr. Al& Hamilton, J. H. Marshall, William Winnington, Sir T Currie, Rallies Harcourt, Colonel Maunsell, T.P. Woodd, Basil T.
Dalkeith, Earl of Hardinge, Hon. C. S.Montgomery, Sir G. Wyndham,"Ilenry Dalrymple, Viscountilawkins, W. W. Moore, George H. Wynn, Sir W. W. Davie, Sir H. R. F. Hayes;Sir Edmund Moore, Ross S. Wynne, W. W. E. Daiies, D. A. S. Heard, John Isaac Mosty-n, En. T. E. Yorke, Hon. E. T. Davison, Richard Heathcoat, John
Of the above absentees the following "paired off."
Ferrer, J. Forster, Sir G. Hayes, Sir E. Packs, C. W. Buller, Sir J. Y. Lennox, Lord A. F.
Bailey, Sir J. Berkeley, Sir G. Bernard. Viscount Ker, D. S. • Booth, Sir R. G. Burghley, Lord
Feilden, M. J. Elcho, Lord Marshall, W. ' Laing, S.
Dent, J. D. Devereux, J. T. O'Brien, J. Shelburne, Earl of Denison, J. E. Patten, J. W. Drummond, O'Connell, J. Mackie, J. Maunbell, Col. Duff, J. Long, W. Clifford, H. M. Egerton, Sir P. Bruce, C. L. C. Ellice, E.
Grosvenor, Earl Mandeville, Viect.
Montgomery, Sir G. Duff, G. S. Dunne, M.
Banbury, W. B. M. M'Taggart, Sir J. Lytton, Sir G. E. L. Shirley, E. P. Winmngton, Sir T.
• A mistake ; Captain Townshend voted in the in ajority.
Beonet, P. Napier, Rt. Ha. J. .Smollett, A.
Portal, M. Hawkins, W. W. Irtan, S. Trollope, Sir J. Hamilton, J. H. Coliile, C. R. Frewen, C. H. 'Floyer, J. Greaves, E.
King, J. K. Christy, S. Galway, Viscount Davison, R.
Blackburn,P. - George, J. Lisburne, Earl of Maddock, Sir H. Christopher, Ho. R.
Greaves, T.
O'Brien, C. Dalrymple. Viscount Hutchins E. J. Townshend, °apt,* Foley, J. H. H. Hindley, Collier,11. P. Beamish, F. B. Macaulay, T. B. Heneage, G. H. Iv, Tynte, Col. H. J. K. Megan; W. H. Keogh, W. Uxbridge, Earl of Urquhart, W. P. Heathcoat, J. Deasy, R. •
Walter, J.
Heard, J. I, Currie, R.