There are signs of panic in Constantinople. Safvet Pasha, the
Minister of Foreign Affairs, who defended the Bulgarian atrocities, has been forced to resign ; Abdul Kerim, the Com- mander-in-Chief, has been dismissed, and replaced by Osman Pasha, who distinguished himself in Servia ; and Redif Pasha, the Minister at War, who is reported dead, but is pro- bably in Shumla, is expected to share the same fate. The Sultan is looking about for a new Grand Vizier, and has asked Mehemed Rushdi to serve, but the latter advises the recall of Midhat, to which the Sultan will not consent. There appears to be much
far among the Christians of a ganoral massacre by the retreating soldiery, but the Turks usually massacre when they are victorious, not when they are beaten. The bulletins are full of demands for an English occupation of Constantinople, and the agitation in London in favour of that project has recommenced.