The death was announced .on Tuesday of Yakoob Bey, the
Ameer of Kashgar, and the most conspicuous ,Mahonamedan prince in Central Asia. He was a man of no birth, but he -suee.aeded,, while in the service of Khoja, in driving the Chinese out of Kashgar, and raising himself to the throne he had released. Ile conquered several distrieta reund-Kasligar, re- duced. his people to an order, before unknown in Central Asia, opened relations with St. Petersburg and Calcutta, and might, but for Russian And Chinese .oppositien, have founded a great Empire. The ituaSians, however, cliec,ked him on the west and the Chinese attacked him on the eat, and it is very doubtful if his GOD, Kull Beg, who , succeeds him, will be , able to preserve the independence of his. State. That will be a decided misfortune for India. The pames,are high, and the people dread and loathe the Chinese, but it has been a tradition of our Indian policy never to make our frontier march with theirs, and the tradition is a wise one. The Chinese can expend too many men to be safe neighbours, and they have claims of long standing to the vassalage of Nepaul, the point at which our frontier, is least de- fensible. A.,strong army at Katmandoo .wonld threaten the very heart of our power, provinces in which a European soldier has never been seen.