(To TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sre,—Intending tourists in Switzerland may like-to hear of a delightful route which seems to have been much:neglected by our countrymen of late. I refer to the Oberelp route from Goschenen to Bonaduz. I have just traversed' the same, and find at Dissents, which is about half-way, a halting plaee having much to recommend it for either a short or long star Englishmen, or for the matter of that tourists of any nation- ality, seem conspicuous by their absence: Bredeker--th4. infallible guide to all things Swiss—makes no special mention of this place, and yet it is a capital centre for walks of any length, from half an hour to nineteen hours, including mans' interesting passes and mountain climbs. The scenery of the Oberalp Pass is equal to that of many of the more advertised routes, while that portion of the route- which lies between Danz and Bonaduz surpasses many in the bold construction of the road and the magnificent views it affords of the Rabinsa gorge and the valley of the Volfder-Rhein. Dissents can offer excellent hotel accommodation, and to any one wishing for quietude and rest, out oS the ordinary tourist track and yet amid charming Swiss scenery, I can heartily commend this apparently forgotten relOon.—I am, Sir, Scc.,