Central America has been once more the theatre of a
little war. Last week trouble broke out between • San Salvador and Guatemala, and the troops of the former invaded the latter's territory. The invaders were defeated, their general was killed, and the victorious Guatemalans pursued the fugitives into Honduras. Honduras promptly declared war on Guate- mala, whose President has succeeded in raising an army of forty thousand men. Later fighting was, however, not so favourable to the Guatemalans, and the United States Government felt bound to interfere and insist upon a pacific settlement. Mexico also gave her services, and it was announced on Tuesday that the three Powers concerned bad agreed upon an armistice. These small Republics of Central America will do much to keep the officials of the American Foreign Office from ennui since wars spring up suddenly between them like one of their own tornados. Where else in the world could we find three States declaring war, fighting several battles, and concluding peace within a week ?