[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sta,—Your correspondent " Americanus," in his striking article " American Youth and Prohibition," invites the attention of the world to one of the most distressing results of Prohibition in the United States—the debauchery of a certain number of the flower of our girls and boys, particularly those in schools, colleges, and universities. " Americans," as everyone acquainted with present-day American life will agree, does not overcolour the picture. Prohibition—the extreme and premature effort to make America. dry—however much good it may have done in some millions of homes, wears many of the aspects of a curse to our national life. Among other evils, the hip-flask of the young men came with Prohibition, and from the hip-flask flowed those ingre- dients of the young people's punch bowl which have produced the orgies of drink and immorality to which " Americanus " refers. It is truth—always truth—we want, is it not ? Then let none of us shy at these revelations. Let us look all the facts squarely in the face. They belong to the great and complex problem of seeking to make the world sober.—