[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The article in the Spectator on " The Trattoria " again raises the difficult and important question as to how to provide well-cooked and nourishing food at the minimum of expenditure of time and money for our households. The " Community Kitchen," quite a different institution from the " Communal Kitchen " which we knew in 1917-19, would, I think, solve the problem.
In 1921 we spent six weeks in a bungalow at Birchington, where the Community Kitchen had just been started. Many families had all their cooked food delivered either at their cabins on the beach or at their houses. One could order so many " portions " of any special dish or have an abonnement for the week for mid-day and evening meals at a slightly reduced rate. A little motor-van delivered the food, packed in double vessels—hot water containers—and next day the empties were fetched. The menu was not fixed, so that there was the element of surprise which adds to the enjoyment of food. The cooking was decidedly above the average, the food attractive, and the charges very moderate.
I have made inquiry and find that the business is still under the same management, and now has its headquarters at Cliftonville, Margate, and deliveries are made in Margate, Westgate, Birchington, Kingagate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate —at all of which places orders are taken. It would, indeed, be a boon to many harassed and weary house mothers to have dinner delivered punctually and ready to serve. Perhaps some day the suburbs of London may enjoy the privileges of