Sin,—Lord Sycienham's letter in your issue of the 14th inst. cannot be allowed to pass unchallenged, so far as the latter part of it is concerned. He protests strongly against the assertion that Socialism is a religious idea. I am inclined to think that it is, and that it has this consistency, that it bases its teachings, both religious and economic, on the same set of fallacies ; whereas Lord Sydenham falls into the inconsis- tency of separating Christian conduct as taught by Christ from human conduct as applicable to economics, a science which he appears to put quite apart from the teachings of Christ. He thereby illustrates that mentality which puts on its religion with its tall hat on Sundays and leaves them both behind when it proceeds to its ordinary business on weekdays. I should suggest that a more careful study of the New Testament will reveal that there is no limitation to the teachings of Christ and that they are applicable to all kinds of human affairs.
What is wanted to oppose Socialism is an economic policy based on the " laws of Nature," that is, " the laws of God," and a religion based on the teachings of Christ. These will necessarily be consistent, being founded on the same truths and therefore convincing. Instead of crying for loyalty, let our clergy free themselves from dogma and ceremony, and preach to the people a Christianity that can be brought into their daily lives, and let the politicians expound an economic doctrine founded on a real unit of natural value or wealth : then the opponents of Socialism will- appear to be consistent in the eyes of the mass of the people,who are pretty shrewd judges of that quality. May I suggest that that unit of wealth may be found in the excess of production over con- sumption—in other words, in what a man produces over and above what he consumes ?—I am, Sir, &c.,