[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The summer holidays are near at hand, and those who have toiled and struggled through the months since last they drew breath in country surroundings are literally counting the days till they can enjoy a short respite from the endless routine of work and anxiety. Unluckily, while these are looking for- ward to a little outing with hope and pleasant expectation, we who are responsible for the Women's Holiday Fund are counting not days but shillings, and are forced to the sad conclusion that the numbers sent away this year will be but a small proportion of those who will ask for assistance. In the days before the War we could consider helping some 1,200 persons ; now about 400 is all that we can aspire to. No doubt it will be argued that all expenses arc being cut down everyone has to give up something. But think how little we of the more prosperous classes really do give up ! The cost of one day's living in a moderate hotel will pay for a week's rest and enjoyment to one of the weary women workers of London. All donations and subscriptions will be gratefully acknow- ledged by Mrs. Pownall, 8 Ashley Place, S.W. 1 ; or Miss Cooper, Secretary W.H.F., 76 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W. 1.—I am, Sir, &c.,
HELEN A. POWNALL, Chairman of Committee W.H.F.