Curious Survivals. By Dr. G. C. Williamson. (Jenkins. 12s. ad.)
A large volume, illustrated with a number of photographs, sealing exclusively with habits and customs of the past that dill live in the present. The author makes no pretence to originality, but he has laid an enormous number of authorities ander contribution, and the result is a very full account Indeed. The City of London, the very home of such interesting survivals, has first place, and three chapters are devoted to quaint customs connected with the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, the City Companies, and various City privileges and customs. the House of Lords is given two chapters, the House of Commons one, and then inanorial customs, the Law, the Church, the countryside, all have a place in the compilation. The chapter on Our Curious Words, and the Habits and Customs of our Domestic Life " contains an immense array of odd facts, most of which we have read at some time or other but have never encountered all together under one cover. This is a volume that should be worth its weight in gold to the journalist who is often short of material for a paragraph or to the diner-out who might wish to be able to fill in awkward gaps in the talk.