21 JULY 1923, Page 22

Wool : the Empire Industry. By Frank Fox. (Bradford :

Percy Lund, Humphries and Co., for the British Wool Federa- tion.)

This attractive and well-written pamphlet—printed in a large and beautiful type which is, we believe, the new " Mono- type Garamond "—was produced for the Prince of Wales on his recent visit to Bradford. It contains a short sketch of the history of the British wool industry and an account of the West Riding trade during and since the War, showing how much the Yorkshire woolworkers did to clothe the armies and indicating the technical difficulties of the enormous task which was set them. Mr. Fox reminds us that King George the Third introduced the merino sheep from Spain and in 1804 sent some of the finest animals from his flock to Australia, where they throve better than in Spain itself.