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1. Those who take refuge here will not get into ho' water. (4, 7.)
9. Uplifted. (5.) 10. Where, operatically, it several times. (11.) 11. They departed with the captains.
12. No hydraulic Dower without this. (5.) 13. A Bantu. (S.) 14. No all rights. (5.) 16. One might ,xpect to bear some shocking music from it. (8, 5.) 20. Does it describe money lent without charge? (13.) 25. Edible nonsense. (5.) 26. A sibilant bet en the lips and what happens. (5.
28. These creatures show a sign of doubt in taking a step. (5.) 29. It damned mankind, said Otway.
30. Gain exclusive contro' of building material. (11 ) 31. Last case river. (5.) 32. A sugaloaf is not an example of them. (11.)
1. " She went into the garden to cut B - leaf to make an apple-pie " (Foote). (7.)
2. French explorer of N. America. (2, 5.) 3. Employee ignored in the tobacco factory. (4, 3.) " It was the time of . We plucked them as we passed " (Hood). (5.) 5. Moon with ^ raaet and see what results. (9.) 6. " - tube and iron shard " (7.) didn't matter 7. Where, apparently, to keep on jeering. (7.) 8. Stripes in disguise. (7.) 15. Probably the solution is in the nose- bag, unless wild. (4.)
17. A small bit of foreign sausage. (4.)
18. No charge at the pub, Yeats? (9.) 19. Difficulties of navigation. (7.) 20. " Here's to the charmer whose we prize " (Sheridan). (7.) 21. Chooses. (7.) 22. Blanco Posnet seems to have suffered at his hands. (7.) 23. It seems almost the lottery for Tom Bowling. (7.)
24. One gentleman has been seen with one of them i- writing. (7.)
27. " The white - bleaching on the hedge '' (Shakespeare). (5.)