Lord Grey of Fallodon and Lord Robert Cecil on Friday
west addressed a meeting held at the Albert Hall in support of the League of Nations. Lord Grey of Fallodon declared that Ameriean co-operation was essential if the scheme drawn up by the Allies were to become a living reality. Every country, and not Great Britain alone, would benefit from a League of Nations. " If we fought for an ideal during the war," he asked, " cannot we fight for the ideal after the war ? " Lord Robert Cecil urged that after so terrible a war some new international system must be devised, and that there was no 'alternative to the League of Nations based on co-operation. Its main principles, he said, were accepted by all. Germany must be admitted to the League sooner or later ; if she showed genuine repentance,. her novitiate need not be long. The League, he added, would impose obli- gations as well as advantages on its members, since it would require each of them to live at peace with his neighbours. The success of the League would depend on the peoples, who would have to show a far keener interest in international politics than they have done hitherto.