Lord Grey of Fallodon referred incidentally to the almost incredible
horrors that would be certain if ever there were another war. No doubt he is right. Most wars in history have begun without any regular " declaration " of war. The first news a nation might hear of another war, therefore, would be conveyed by the dropping of thousands of bombs by aeroplanes with silent engines, of which the approach had not even been suspected. There is also a good deal of truth, we believe, in the statements about the terrible new poison invented in the United States, which we fancy Lord Grey of Fallodon had in mind. A speck of this poison on the skin is said to cause certain death, and it could be rained down from the sky in thousands of gallons. But for all this it would be a mistake to run off with the idea that the human spirit would be unequal to war merely because of its terrors. Death is not more than death, and it has been proved over and over again that man is
always audax amnia perpeti, •