The first Report of the Committee on National Expenditure was
published as a White Paper -on Thursday week. We learn that £130,000 was spent inproviding motor-cam for the officials of the Air Ministry, and that aeroplanes not now wanted are still being constructed in order to fulfil contracts, though they are only completed in order to be broken up. Of all schemes to prevent unemployment this As perhaps the maddest. But to return to the motor-ears £130,000 was for the upkeep and running of forty-eight motor-care for a year. This works out at £2,700 for each car. So far as we remember, before the war any private person could have the continuous use of a motor-car from a garage for a year, with the services of a driver, for about £500. No doubt the price now would be considerably higher, but even if the price were half as much again, it would look dim and dull beside the majestic figure of £2,700 for running a motor- car. And yet some people wish the Departments of State to manage all our industrial affairs !