A Guide-Book to Northern Palestine and Southern Syria. A Guide-Book
to Central Syria. (Cairo : Palestine News. 20 piastres each.)—Colonel Pine-Gordon, the military editor of the -Palestine News—the weekly published in six languages for the Egyptian Expeditionary Force—has shown great enter- prise and ability in providing information for the troops. The two new guide-books which he has issued are remarkably good and very cheap at the equivalent of about four shillings apiece. They are, of course, based on well-known authorities, but they have evidently been revised on the spot by our Intelligence officers, and include brief references to last autumn's campaign. A valuable appendix on the Emirate of Mecca and the Arab movement will be found in the Northern Palestine, and the Central Syria contains a judicious Life of Mohammed and a useful chapter on the early conquerors of Syria. Soldiers with any taste for history will have plenty to interest them in Palestine and Syria, as these guide-books show. The large War Ofece maps are excellent.