21 JUNE 1919, Page 3

We regret to record the fact that the Oxford Convocation

on Tuesday rejected by a narrow majority of six votes the proposal to make Greek no longer compulsory in Responsione. The. leader of the opposition expressed a desire for a compromise by which only students of mathematics and natural science should-. be excused from passing . an elementary examination in Greek- The defenders of Greek, he said, would offer no objection to such a measure. Professor Gilbert Murray • seemed to favour 'the idea. He urged, rightly enough, that the subject needed recon- sideration in the bderests of English culture, which, as we have often said, is and must be informed by the Greek spirit. We are sure that the true interests of Greek studies-are not furthered by continuing, to exact a modicum of Greek grammar and trailer lotion from budding mathematicians and chemists at the Oxford entrance- examination.