A DANISH LEGION SIR, —May I as a Dane, now a
British subject, give my strongest support to the letter by " a young Dane," published on June 14th in The Spectator? All Danes in this country feel deep sorrow, be- cause it looks as if their country is about to be forgotten, and because the British Forces do not welcome their offers of active service. I think that England even should try to form a Danish Legion, consisting of manpower gathered from England herself and from the Dominions. I remember that several Danes, living in South Africa, offered their service at the outbreak of the war, but so far as I. know they never got any reply or acknowledgement.
• The editor's remark about the different positions of Czecho- Slovakia and Denmark is correct indeed, and no Dane would doubt that. " A Young Dane," and all other Danes did, how- ever, not mean to say that the political cases of the two countries were similar ; on the - contrary. But the feelings and sympathy of the two peoples ate the same.
And may I propose that if it should be impossible tc form a pure Danish Legion, let the Danes in this country, wanting to join up and fight for freedom, join the Norwegian units, which are said to be in England now after the evacuation of Narvik ?—