Nazi Plots in South America
That Nazi ambitions are by no means confined to the Eastern Hemisphere is acutely realised in the South American Republics, and most of all in Uruguay. For some time the Uruguayan and Argentine Governments have thought it neces- sary to co-operate in repressing Nazi activities, and have taken the precaution of increasing their border guards and establish- ing military patrols on highways and at railway stations. The Uruguayan Chamber of Deputies met in secret session last Monday to hear an official report dealing with a serious Nazi plot to seize the country by means of shock troops organised in fourteen districts within the Republic. It is stated that the whole machinery of the plot was ready to be brought into operation at any moment on receipt of orders from Berlin. Exceptional powers have been conferred on the Government to prohibit anti-democratic societies and to control key organisa- tions, and many arrests have already been made. That such activities, with which neutral European countries have long been familiar, should be pursued with equal zeal and energy in South America is evidence that there are no limits to Nazi ambitions. They give the lie to Hitler's assertion that he is content that Europe should be for the Europeans and America for the Americans. He thinks not in terms of a single Conti- nent, but of the whole world. America's danger is beginning while Europe's is at the height of its crisis.