Russia Shares the Spoils ?
Various interpretations can be put on Russia's new military occupation of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, but the most obvious is simply that the Soviet Government is securing its share of spoils. It can probably claim that the occupation is no more than was agreed upon when Herr von Ribbentrop made his bargain last summer It would be rash to assume that this action indicates any intention on the part of Russia to break with Germany. Stalin has every reason to be uneasy about the apparently increasing strength of the Nazis, but it is unlikely that he is prepared to measure his own against theirs in the military sphere. He is in a position to do a good turn to Italy by bringing pressure to bear on Turkey, and Italy will not be disturbed if he contents himself with seizing Bessarabia from Rumania. But if he should attempt to satisfy further ambitions in the Balkans he would offend both Italy and Germany— though in that sphere, as indeed in every sphere, Italy will have to play second fiddle to her Axis partner. Russia's intentions remain obscure. She will certainly take all that she can while the going seems good, but stop short of threatening Germany. A decisive German victory is obviously not what she wants. If it occurred she would stand to lose all that she has seized and much more.