The Green Eye There was an article in the Spectator
three weeks ago by Clive Irving on Jocelyn Stevens, the proprietor of Queen, and his plans. This is the subject of an editorial note in last week's World's Press News which describes the article as inaccurate, wild, and ill-informed—`the kind of nonsense,' in fact, 'that is so often written about the press.' In fairness to Mr. Irving, says the note de Haut en bas, 'it must be remarked that it is extremely difficult for those outside certain circles to know what is going on in the higher levels of the publishing business.' Well, it must also be remarked that here we have a neat case of the left hand's apparent ignorance of what the right hand is up to. After the appearance of Irving's article, the chairman of World's Press News, Basil Burton, lunched with Jocelyn Stevens. The revelations were duly discussed, I understand, and Mr. Stevens could scarcely have failed to point out to Mr. Burton not only that he was indeed the chief source of the information con- tained in the article but also that he had checked the typescript for accuracy of fact. Perhaps Mr. Burton was too busy last week to look at his proof sheets, but no doubt he has by this time delivered a mild reproof to his leader-writer. I can understand a certain annoyance on the part of WPN at being scooped, but I don't think that they should express their chagrin by shouting `rubbish'—especially when the boss knows very well that it is nothing of the sort.