A hundred years ago From the 'Spectator.' 19 June 1869—There
was a mass-meeting in Manchester on this day week against the Irish Church Bill, apparently called to hear Mr. Gladstone denominated Judas Iscariot by a concurrent testimony of various speakers. One of them said he was worse, as he had exhibited no remorse. i.e., we suppose not yet hanged himself. Lord Claud Hamilton the younger,—not he whom Mr. Gladstone calls his noble friend,—who addressed the meeting. did not go quite so far as this. He only said that Mr. Gladstone justified the grant to May- nooth on the ground of the rich endowments of Trinity College, Dublin, the turn of which for disendowment he intimated, "with that grim horrible countenance of his, that sinister expres- sion which overshadows his countenance when- ever he alludes to any of the Protestant institu- tions of the country,"—would come soon.