21 JUNE 1997, Page 49


Another point

Andrew Robson

CHINA has suddenly become a major force in world bridge, due largely to the support of Deng Xioping, the world's most famous bridge player. Several members of the current Politburo also play including Deng's successor, Jiang Zemin, so Deng's death earlier this year is not expected to affect growth — millions of Chinese are learning the game. Deng was no mean player and bid and made the following slam holding just two points.

South West North 1+ East pass 1♦ 2NT pass pass 24 pass pass 4 • pass • pass pass 6♦ pass The bidding was Precision — the dominant system in China — in which a 1rl► opening bid shows any hand with 16 or more points and a 1, response shows any hand up to seven points. South, Deng, gave a second negative of 2NT to his partner's strong jump rebid of 24. The ♦ fit was eventually unearthed and North put Deng into the slam.

A British style auction might go 24-21/- 24-3.-6*, with North upgrading his excel- lent 21 points to a 24 opener which gener- ally shows 23. However, the auction might also go 14-pass if North quite reasonably decides that his hand is not good enough for a 2+ opener and his suit not good enough for a 24 opener. A chilling thought.

In 64, West led ♦10 and Deng won ♦A, cashed 4A, trumped a 4, led a ♦ to dummy's king, cashed •A and trumped another 4. When East's 4K appeared , Deng was able to trump a V, cash 40 and 49 throwing a 4 and a ♦, and crossruff the remaining tricks. Making seven.