21 JUNE 2003, Page 49

Kosovo's terror

From Dr Michael Pravica Sir: Thank you for publishing Neil Clark's article ('How the battle lies were drawn', 14 June), a rare piece of truth amid the incessant lies and ignorance about Kosovo spewed from the Western mainstream media. Despite the alleged 'humanitarian causes' that gave Nato the necessary excuse to conduct its illegal and vicious war against Yugoslavia's civilians, Nato has merely made the situation a hundredfold worse.

Since Nato occupied Kosovo, more than 250,000 non-Albanians have been ethnically cleansed from Kosovo, thousands of non-Albanians have been ,daughtered or gone missing, and more than 100 Serbian churches have been systematically destroyed (some over 1,000 years old) as the racist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) seeks to destroy any evidence of the 1,400-year-old presence of Serbs in the Yugoslav province. This is why Slobodan Milosevic brought in his troops in the first place.

I witnessed the persecution of non-Albanians in Kosovo in 1988. Ironically, it is OK for Israel, the US and Britain to do what it takes to eradicate terrorism outside their sovereign borders, but it is not OK for the Yugoslays to fight terrorism within their own sovereign borders.

Michael Pravica Las Vegas, Nevada, USA