21 JUNE 2003, Page 49

More deserving than Archer

From Valerie Passey Sir: I must express my unease at the campaign to free Jeffrey Archer (Leading article, 7 June; Rod Liddle, 'Some are more guilty than others', 14 June). I accept that your position is morally sound, and yet I have qualms. Few could disagree with the thrust of Rod Liddle's article that judgments and sentencing must be free from political motives or popular prejudices. But Archer is now one of several victims, his case a by-product of the system. The issue is the conflict of interest between government agendas and legal principles.

Of course 'Free Jeffrey Archer' has more impact than 'Free the judiciary from David Blunkett's interference': but surely this campaign is not really about Jeffrey Archer. I hope so, because much as I agree that he should be treated fairly, there are many others languishing in prisons who deserve our compassion and your time and efforts far more, not least those who are innocent of the crimes of

which they are accused. Women imprisoned for murdering babies who have died from Sudden Infant Death spring to mind. I'm sure there are others worthy of a campaign — far worthier, indeed, than Jeffrey Archer.

Valerie Passey Enfield, Middlesex