21 JUNE 2003, Page 50

Green nightmare

From Mr Adrian Garai Sir: Zac Goldsmith's article (`Time for Tories to turn Green', 14 June) contains the usual diatribe against multinationals, world trade and the WTO. What I need, however, is a clear idea of what my life and my children's lives will look like in the Green heaven he presumably would like to see.

Specifically, how would we maintain some semblance of our standard of living, or are we to accept a levelling-down to the standards of sub-Saharan Africa? How would the vitamin A deficiency affecting 500,000 children's eyesight each year be addressed if we can't use the GM technology of Ingo Potrykus? (See Matt Ridley's 'The humbling of Homo sapiens', 14 June.) Are we, for example, to stop chlorinating our water, to cease to travel — and how are we to be employed?

It would also be interesting to have Goldsmith's account of how new multinationals such as Microsoft, Samsung or Vodaphone emerge if multinationals have such a stranglehold. Surely existing multinationals would crush or absorb such upstarts. Maybe the answer is that we humble consumers ultimately dictate what is produced and sold, and by whom.

Adrian Garai Caine, Wiltshire