21 MARCH 1857, Page 20

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, MARCH 20. Partnerships Dissolved.—Bower and Co.

Leeds or elsewhere, glass-manufacturers —Brown and Co. Princes Street, Hanover Square, tailors—Arnoll and Co. Barnstaple, biscuit-manufecturers ; as for as regards II. K. Thorne—Hyde and Co. Abingdon, woollen-drapers—Mellier and Cailbud, Marshgate Lane, Essex, leathermanufacturen—Wathen and Hebb, Fenton, Stafforclebire, earthenware-manufacturers—G. and S. Cutler, \Venlock Road, City Road, gasholder-makers—Wilson and Todd, Newgate Market, meat-salesmen—Raynor and Co. Manchester, iron-founders ; as far as regards W. Raynor—Porter and Co. Fort Place, Bermondsey, and Kennington Row, architects ; as far as regards G. Porter—Merton and Wells, Surrey Place, Newington, tobacconists—J. and W. Metcalfe, Upper Whitecross Street, soda-water-manufacturers—Young and Bennett, Conduit Street, drapers—Stannard and Day, 91d Cavendish Street, and Edward Street, Golden Square, surgeons—J. and J. L. Strevens, Bermondsey Wall and Tower Hill, ship-chandlers—Vcrry and Co. Bristol, warehousemen ; as far as regards J. Verry-1.1. and J. G. Atkinson, Jludderalleld, auctioneers—J. and J. Ileginbottom, Ovenden, Yorkshire, cottonspinners—Iluxton and hiaugham, Newton-by-Hyde, Cheshire, corn-dealers—Marsland and Nephew, Stockport and Manchester, calico-pnnters—Crook and Sons. Bolton and Manchester, cotton-spinners ; as far as regards J. Crook—Brueciani and Graziani, Leather Lane, plositer-figure-makers—Sharvell and Rochester, Bus-wash, Sussex, grocers—Scott and Lyddall, Bedford Street, Strand, shirt-collar-manufacturers—Schultz and Co. Sunderland, ship-chandlers—Cooper and bard, Norwood, butchers—Crawshaw and Smith. Batley Carr, Yorkshire, mill-owners—P. and W. Beek, Shrewsbury, wine-merchants—Arnold and Ponsford, Clement's Lane, shipAgents—Kedge and Emmett, Great Dover Street, appraisers—Watt and Co. Bankruptcses Anntalled.—ALESSNDER Slots, Tunbridge Wells, stationer—limn:Le DISOWN, Liverpool, scrivener. Bankrupts.—JOIIN HUNTER, Nottingleun Place, Stepney, draper, to surrender April 2, May 7: solicitors, Bennett and Paul, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

CHARLES IIIOGINS Salisbury, brewer, March 31, April 30: solicitors, Clarke and Iforrice, Coleman Street; Hoddings and Co. Salisbury ; official assignee, Johnson, Hasinghall Street.

Tn.nras CiffisitAs, Chatham and Sheerness, coal-merchant, March 30, April 30: solicitor, Selby, Coleman Street; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street.

Joan Wuaimo CLARKE, Whittlesca, seed-merchant, April 2, May I: solicitor, Carr, St. Mary-at-Hill ; official assignee, 'Whitmore, Basinghall Street. Sanest, COULDREY, Stainsley Road, Limehouse, lime-merchant, April 2, May I: solicitor, Chidley, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Cannon, Aldermanbury. Amnon. WituAu IlowARD, New Church Street, Bermondsey, and Pudding Lane, timber-merchant, April 3, Mey 13 solicitor, Keighley, Basinshall Street ; official assignee, Nicholson, liattingball Street. GEORON CONSTANTIN Fita1tunt,031, Old Broad Street, merchant, April 1, May 6: solicitor, Abraliamo, Southampton Buildings ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.

Sonx SAW= Chums, Greystoke Place, Fetter Lane, and Red Lion Court, printer, April 1. 29: solicitor. Marshall, Sion College Gardens; official assignee, Stansfeld, Baaingholl Street HENRY' MARLOW, 14-W, iron-founder, April 1, 20: solicitors, Duignan and liniment, Walsall; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham.

Evax Lewis, Llruitrissant, Glamorganshire, victualler, March 31, April 28 : solicitor, Cartwright. Bristol; official assignee, Aeraman, Bristol.

GEORGE GOODWIN, Manchester, woollen-merchant, April 9, ao : solicitor, Stead, Manchester ; official assignee, Ilermunan, Manchester. Joan Wamorszsworenr, Halifax, linen-draper, March 30, April 27: solicitors, Edwards, Halifax; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds. Diridends.—April 30, Elliott, Alancliester, eigar-dealer—April 30, Berry and Co. Rochdale, machinists—.april 28, Johnson, Bourn, Lincolnshire, ironmonger—April 28, Kenrick, Frampton, Lincolnehire, ship-owner—April 28, Freer, Leicester, Winemerchant.

Owtifteate to be granted sinless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting.—April 23,,laaker, Birmingham, iron-founder. Decfaraliona of Dicidends.—Owen, Lewisham, butcher ; first div. of Ss. 6d. on Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Edwards. Sambrook Court— Ho on, rrirlay Street and Wading Street; first div. of 641. on Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Lkbeschuts, Li verpool, outfitter ; first din, of Is. 6d. any Wednesday; Turner, Liverpool—Jardine, Liverpool, atone-mason; first div. of 3s. 4d. any Monday ; Bird, Liverpool—Stoveld,, Blyth, ship-builder ; first div. of Is. Eti. any Saturday; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Weatbrocassich, Staffordshire, grocer ; first div. of Is. 3d. any Thursday:

Christie, Birmingham.

kicotch Beguestrations.—Gellacher, Glasgow, grocer, March 24—Macdonald, Poitree, merchant, March 25.