21 MARCH 1857, Page 3

Ethatr5 Int rarvtbiug III Varliuntnt.


House or Loans. Monday, March Hi. Income-tax Bill read a second time, Lord Derby's and Lord Granville's Speeches—Indemnity Bill read a second time. Tuesday, March 17. China; Questions by Lord Hardwick° arid Lord Clanricarde —Customs-duties Bill read a second time—Income-tax Bill committed—Indemnity Bill committed.

IVednesday. March 18, Customs-duties Bill committed—Income-tax Bill read a third time and passed—Indemnity Bill read a third time and paused—Mutiny Bills read a first time—Appropriation Bill read a first time—Speaker's Retirement Bill read a first time.

Thursday, March 19. Customs-duties Bill read a third time and passed—Mutiny Bills read a second time—Speaker's Retirement Bill read a second time—Appropriation Bill read a second time. Friday. March 20. Mutiny Bills read a third time and passed—Speaker's Retirement Bill read a third time and passed—Appropriation Bill read a third tune and passed.

House or COMMoms. Saturday, March 14. Speaker's Retirement Bill read a first time—Mutiny Bills read a second time—Appropriation Bill read a first time. Monday, March 18. Speaker's Retirement Bill read a second time—Appropriation Bill read a second time—Mutiny Bills conunitted. Tuesday. March 17. Affairs of Italy: Questions by Mr. Disraeli and Mr. Henley, Wednesday, March 18. Speaker's Retirement Bill read a third time and passed— Mutiny Bills read a third time and passed—Appropriation Bill read a third time and passed—Ministenf-Money; Mr. Fagan's Bill read a second time mid discharged. (The Rouse adjourned till Saturday.]