21 MARCH 1863, Page 24

The Lift of William Warburton, D.D., Lord Bishop of Gloucester.

By Rev. John Selby Watson, M.A., M.R.S.L., author of "Life of Richard Person," &c. (Longmans.)—The Rev. J. S. Watson, -whose "Life of Person" gave rise to a good deal of critical discussion not very long ago, has just given us a bulky and carefully compiled memoir of the well-known author of "The Divine Legation." He appears to have spared no pains to enable himself to give a detailed account of the per-. sonal and literary history of the subject of his labours ; and, not content with this task, he proceeds further to furnish us with an analysis, not only of Warburton's principal writings, but also of the most notable replies to which they gave rise. It is, therefore, scarcely to-be wondered at that his book should extend over more than 600 rather heavy octavo pages. The bulk of the work is the more remarkable, since Mr. Watson is by no means a blind admirer of the blustering bishop, but gives an estimate of his character which most readers will, we think, be inclined to regard as, on the whole, just and well founded.