The dispute between China and Japan over the capture of
the Tatsu-Maru ' was settled at the end of last week. The modified Japanese demands to which China consented included a sufficient apology for the hauling down of the Japanese flag, the restoration of the ship, and the payment of demurrage for her detention. The punishment of the officers responsible for the affront to Japan was left to the discretion of China. China is to purchase the arms and ammunition which the Tatsu-Maru ' carried. We are glad to learn that Japan has promised to help in the prevention of the importation of arms into China. There is no doubt that China suffers much from the illicit trade which arms her revolutionaries and pirates. It is no consolation to her to know that the weapons have come through a Portuguese port, and that technically the Japanese ships which brought them there were not violating Treaties. She deserves the genuine co-operation of Japan in this matter.