Conservative, the son and grandson of Con- servatives. I am, moreover, rather in favour of Tariff Reform. But I am thoroughly disgusted with the tactics pursued by extreme Tariff Reformers towards Unionist Free- traders, even when they are men with the strongest claims upon the Unionist Party. I was indeed astonished to see that an effort was being made to interfere with Lord Robert Cecil's seat in East Marylebone. If it is persisted in, a Radical will, no doubt, get the seat, as a Radical got Lord Hugh Cecil's seat at Greenwich. If such things are done, I for one have resolved not to vote for a Unionist Tariff Reformer at the next Election, and I hope other Unionists will come to the same resolution. I say we ought to support a good Unionist, especially an eminent and useful Member like Lord R. Cecil, whatever may be his views as to Tariff Reform.—Hoping that you will insert this letter in your paper, though it comes from a man of no importance, I am, Sir, &c.,